(DC)squared Lab

The (DC)squared Lab explores design activity through the lenses of Digital, Design, Creativity & Cognition -(DC)squared-. It aims to develop pedagogical strategies to enhance design education and practice throughout creative disciplines.

"Design is not only the action of designing but the product of designing action itself"
- Luis Mejia-Puig

The Lab (d-Lab)

A small but versatile space

A space for learning

It is a place of exploration, sharing, and academic development

Research Resources

(DC)squared Lab strives to combine diverse instruments for data collection that use different perspectives to better understand the questions at hand.

Physiological Devices
Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIR)
Skin Conductance Response (SCR)
Heart Rate Variance (HRV)
VR Eye-tracking (Vizard SightLab)

Virtual Reality 
Tethered and untethered VR HMD (HTC Vive Pro-Eye to Quest2)



email: luismejiapuig@.ufl.edu
+1 (352) 294 1431
University of Florida
313 Architecture Building.
Gainesville, FL. 32611

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